Monday, May 28, 2007

Is America A Christian Nation?

This is the place to comment on the website,

It is also a place to review current events in light of that website.

The fundamental thesis of the website is this: The United States were a Christian Nation.

The first thing that stands out in that statement is the plural verb, "were." Today we would say, "The United States IS a Christian nation." This is out of keeping with the thinking of the states that ratified the Constitution. The plural was regularly used before the Civil War to describe the United States. The United States were separate states which joined together for common defense and "a more perfect union" than existed under the Articles of Confederation. When the U.S. became more regularly described with a singular verb, its character as a union of sovereign states was lost, and for the most part so was its Christian character.

The Christian character of the U.S. is judged in its historical context. We can look back today with 20-20 hindsight and criticize many things that were done in 1776 and before. We can say they were falling way short of Christian standards. But the intention of those people was to be Christian. They were as Christian as might be expected in that day.

One way many people might criticize the U.S. is its failure to live up to its own constitutional ideals. The "Alien and Sedition Acts" might be a good example of this. Slavery is arguably another example. These inconsistencies should not by themselves negate the probable intentions of America's Founding Fathers. Similarly, failure to be completely consistent with Christianity as we understand it today should not be used by itself to conclude that the Founders were trying to be un- or anti-Christian.

The website does not promote the standard version of "America the Christian Nation." Our goal is not just to promote the idea of "Theocracy," but also a version of radical libertarianism. Some would call this libertarianism "anarchism." We call it "anarcho-theocracy." We believe that obedience to the God of the Bible negates the initiation of force and violence, and since "the State" is the systematic initiation of force, we believe consistent Christians will work to abolish "the State."

Accordingly, it is completely inappropriate to accuse the sponsors of the website of advocating the imposition of a Theocracy by force. This is a libertarian website, not a fascist, socialist, or neo-conservative one.

"Anarchism" and "Theocracy" are the most bitterly hated words in the American political lexicon, and we advocate them both. We believe that America was a nation of "Liberty Under God," and if we were consistent with those twin ideals, we will have maximum obedience to God. Worship of God in the context of the absence of violence and the initiation of force is called "Anarcho-Theocracy."

We hope the discussion here will provide more light than heat.

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